Beginning of the Year Classroom Ideas (Even During a Pandemic!)

Hello everyone! Welcome back…or welcome for the first time! This post is all about sharing my room and organization this school year, amidst navigating Covid-19. So whether you are a parent or teacher, I hope you find this blog informative.

First off, it’s been really stressful. There has been so much uncertainty going into the school year at all levels. This new normal comes with a need for flexibility, compassion, and a positive mindset (I’m on a positive vibe mentality this year). We have been balancing both virtual and face-to-face classrooms so far, and it’s like two jobs in one. There have been technical issues, and a lot of troubleshooting…and this is coming from all sides (teachers, admin, parents).

me in front of classroom
Me, looking oh so snazzy in my sequins face covering!

Anyway, we have been in school for two weeks now. On my last video, I wasn’t sure what it was going to look like once kids started. I’m happy to say that it has been better than expected! My kids are amazing, everyone’s healthy, and now it’s time to get in gear and build those relationships, close those gaps and have fun doing it! Check out the video below for more!

I hope you enjoy! Check back for next week’s post! I’m excited to get back into posting about classroom lessons, activities, ideas and resources. I have been working on several projects that are just about ready to be uploaded to my TPT store, and I can’t wait to share them with you! (psssttt…there will be freebies included!)

Happy teaching and parenting!

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