I’m Back!

Wow, I cannot believe it has been three years since I last posted! So much has happened these last few years that took my attention away from my passion projects. However, in light of recent events in our world (yes…Corona, I’m talking about you!), I decided I needed to get back into hobbies that make me happy. It’s so easy to get caught up in the stressors of life, and I am very guilty of this myself. So, before I begin posting more academic-based articles, I wanted to take a moment and share a little bit about what has occurred in my absence…

Back in 2017, when I was busy as a bee renovating my classroom and enjoying the newest addition to our family, my eldest daughter experienced a medical emergency that carried on for five months. The first week of summer break, she was rushed to the hospital with a ruptured appendix and sepsis. Complications and additional procedures continued to arise into the Fall. In ways, we are still in the process of healing from the emotional impact of it all. (Update: She is a wonderfully-healthy 12 year old now, and preparing to enter junior high!)

During this time away, I also earned my Masters in Education, specializing in teacher leadership, moved from Colorado to a rural town in East Texas (talk about life change!), started a new job teaching 4th grade Math and Science, and have been busy continuing to raise our three children (now 12, 5, and 3). All of these changes have greatly impacted my views on life, and resulted in personal, spiritual and professional growth that I am excitedly ready to share with you all!

And now, here I am, typing this post while my two youngest climb all over me…a pretty typical occurrence made all the more commonplace since shelter in place orders were enacted in March!

Now that I’ve caught you up on some of the goings-on in my life, on to creating articles for all of us parents, educators, homeschoolers, etc.!

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